[DCRM-L] ALA Annual Standards Programming

Rachel B Turner turnerr at binghamton.edu
Mon Jun 17 09:02:43 MDT 2019

Good morning all,

As part of its charge to support and promote work within ALCTS related to
standards, the ALCTS Standards Committee is pleased to present this
compilation <https://alcts.libguides.com/ld.php?content_id=48681602> of
standards-related programming at ALA Annual 2019. We are trying to
distribute this list as widely as possible, so apologies for any
duplication and please re-distribute as appropriate. If you notice any
programming that has unintentionally been left off the list, find this
useful, or have suggestions regarding communications like this for future
ALA meetings, please contact our current chair of the Standards Committee
with your feedback at this email <Miranda.L.Nixon at gmail.com>.

Thank you!

*Rachel Berman Turner*
Cataloging Librarian | Subject Librarian for Judaic Studies
*Binghamton University Libraries*
(607) 777-4851
turnerr at binghamton.edu
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