[DCRM-L] RBMS CVEG revised subdivision policy - request for feedback

Amy Brown amy.brown.3 at bc.edu
Tue May 21 16:35:03 MDT 2019

Dear colleagues:

Attached and posted on the CV comments blog
is a revised version of the CVEG subdivision policy recommendation for the
reorganized CV.  The revision incorporates feedback received virtually and
in-person at the CVEG ALA 2019 Midwinter meeting.

While general feedback is welcome, the editorial group seeks particular
input on the clarity of the document. Please direct any comments or
questions to the blog. The CVEG will hold a vote on this document at our
meeting at ALA Annual.


Amy Brown & Ryan Hildebrand, CVEG co-chairs

Amy F. Brown
Special Collections Technical Services, Head
John J. Burns Library
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA  02467
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