[DCRM-L] FW: RBS Online Offerings

Christine DeZelar-Tiedman dezel002 at umn.edu
Tue Jun 9 05:54:38 MDT 2020

Happily, my online trivia night was rescheduled for next week, so I'm able
to attend!

On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 12:26 PM Deborah J. Leslie <DJLeslie at folger.edu>

> Dear colleagues,
> Rare Book School is announcing online events, of possible interest to this
> group. Please note that the first one listed is a presentation by our very
> own Brenna Bychowski!
> ______________________
> Deborah J Leslie (she/her) | Senior Cataloger | Folger Shakespeare Library
> | 201 East Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, DC 20003 | djleslie at folger.edu
> | www.folger.edu
> *From:* Rare Book School <robin.goldstein at virginia.edu>
> *Sent:* Monday, 8 June, 2020 10:36
> *To:* Deborah J. Leslie <DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu>
> *Subject:* RBS Online Offerings
> View this email in your browser
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/6EIgCL913GTl28nFBbuWm?domain=mailchi.mp>
> *RBS Online Upcoming Events*
> *Superheroes and Shocking Affairs, or, Adventures in Cataloging Popular
> Literature *
> with Brenna Bychowski
> A 45-minute RBS lecture followed by 15 minutes of Q&A scheduled for
> *Thursday, 11 June, 7–8 p.m. ET, via Zoom.*
> https://rarebookschool.org/rbs-online/superheroes-and-…pular-literature/
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/_Yr8CgJDmyf4JQZtGfZdj?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com>
> Ephemeral popular literature has traditionally been under-described in
> library catalogs. In addition to the long-standing perception that these
> materials are of relatively little interest or value, they are challenging
> to describe. As scholarly and mainstream interest in popular culture has
> increased, however, special collections catalogers are grappling with how
> best to approach these materials, which are often poorly served by current
> cataloging standards. This lecture will make a case for reevaluating and
> looking beyond traditional cataloging practices and resources.
> Everyone is welcome to attend. To ensure the security of the event,
> advance registration is required; to register, click here
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/HplVCjRgpBtZ0NQfwn0bv?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com>
> .
> Your registration will be automatically accepted. You will receive an
> email reminder the day before the event. The day of the event, we will send
> you the Zoom URL and password. Please direct any questions to RBS Programs
> at (rbs-events at virginia.edu).
> *Spending Bloomsday Talking to Checkers, Wingtip, and Speckles:*
> * or, How to Understand the First Printings of James Joyce’s Ulysses *
> with John Hessler
> A 30-minute Zoom talk followed by 15 minutes for Q&A scheduled for
> *Tuesday, 16 June, 4–5 p.m. ET*
> https://rarebookschool.org/rbs-online/spending-bloomsday-talking-to-checkers-wingtip-and-speckles-or-how-to-understand-the-first-printings-of-james-joyces-ulysses/
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/Odw7CkRjqgtovGzfgR9Cj?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com>
> Join RBS faculty member John Hessler for a fun celebration of Bloomsday!
> This event will be a combination of a talk and a reading from James Joyce’s
> *Ulysses*, followed by a Q&A session.
> Checkers, Wingtip, and Speckles—they are the names of pigeons, long gone,
> but once the gleeful inhabitants of Marsh Plaza in Boston. During their
> lives they spent many a day in a one-sided conversation with John Kidd, who
> wandered the plaza in a black fedora and overcoat; he knew the ins and outs
> of the various editions of Joyce’s masterpiece, *Ulysses*, better than
> almost anyone alive.
> We will look closely at the Joyce Wars of the 1980s, when correcting the
> 1922 edition caused controversy and derision amongst fans of the book. The
> battles and skirmishes were played out in the *New York Review of Books,*
> in an exchange between John Kidd and Hans Walter Gabler, over what Joyce
> wanted to say and how he wanted to say it. Gabler produced a “corrected”
> new edition that supposedly fixed more than 5000 errors in the original
> printed versions. Kidd argued, with the sympathy of many readers, that some
> of those so-called errors were Joyce’s actual intentions and that Gabler
> had massacred the original.
> Everyone is welcome to attend. To ensure the security of the event,
> advance registration is required; to register, click here
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/Q0hLClYkr0i6l4Nu5cARS?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com>
> .
> Your registration will be automatically accepted. You will receive an
> email reminder the day before the event. The day of the event, we will send
> you the Zoom URL and password. Please direct any questions to RBS Programs
> at (rbs-events at virginia.edu).
> *Books as Bridges*
> A one-hour panel discussion sponsored by RBS followed by 15 minutes of Q&A
> scheduled for *Tuesday, 23 June, 4–5:15 p.m. ET, via Zoom*.
> https://rarebookschool.org/rbs-online/books-as-bridges/
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/z9N5CmZ0vkikq4Nf70jRt?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com>
> On Tuesday, June 23, tune in via Zoom for a conversation that builds on
> the kind of lively discussions that take place during RBS course weeks with *Krystal
> Appiah* (Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library), *Mark
> Dimunation* (Library of Congress), *Selby Kiffer* (Sotheby’s), and *Rebecca
> Romney* (Type Punch Matrix). These four well-known figures from our
> community will talk about working with rare books and textual artifacts
> with a wide variety of publics in various settings and across different
> media, including public television. The panel will focus on how rare books
> and textual artifacts serve as bridges connecting individuals, communities,
> and institutions with each other and with the past. Panelists will also
> reflect on the challenges of moving from in-person outreach to online
> venues for public engagement. The panel will be co-moderated by *Laura
> Perrings* and *Ruth-Ellen St. Onge* (Rare Book School).
> Everyone is welcome to attend. To ensure the security of the event,
> advance registration is required; to register, click here
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/HsxcCn5mwlsrVBNIRsHd3?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com>
> .
> Your registration will be automatically accepted. You will receive an
> email reminder the day before the event. The day of the event, we will send
> you the Zoom URL and password. Please direct any questions to RBS Programs
> at rbs-events at virginia.edu.
> Join us for our first read-along in our Young Book Lovers Series. Intended
> for children and adults alike who love books and book history, our first
> featured video is a reading by Rare Book School staff of *Gutenberg's
> Gift*. This narrative poem about Guterberg's production of his first
> printed Bible (here envisioned as a Christmas gift for his wife) was
> written by Nancy Willard and illustrated by Bryan Leister. Follow this
> link
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/vIzpCo2nxmi6mW3uXC2AD?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com> to
> discover the accompanying read-along activities and more available content
> from our Young Book Lovers Series.
> *Click on the picture below for our RBS read-along.*
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/OmgNCpYoynipZ63urHsea?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com>
> In addition to our upcoming live events, you can watch recordings of past
> events on our YouTube channel. Please click on the pictures or titles below
> to view our latest recordings:
> A Curator’s Look at Indigenous Mapping in the Early Americas (1500–1575)
> 27 May 2020
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/ZmWcCqxpzotJvwjhxMRZ7?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com>
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/O_uWCrkqApi4OJltAznLd?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com>
> Gains & Losses: COVID-19, Institutional Collecting, and the Antiquarian
> Book Trade 19 May 2020
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/HrmOCv2xGwirZVzI9tkSo?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com>
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/Ap47CwpyJxtgnr3UrPq5A?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com>
> Keep up to date on all of our online offerings at:
>  www.rarebookschool/RBS-online
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/sS5rCxkzKyiPjNoUK3_Sp?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com>
> You are receiving this new RBS Online newsletter because you expressed an
> interest in keeping up to date with happenings at Rare Book School. If you
> would like to unsubscribe from the RBS Online newsletter, please click this
> link:  Unsubscribe from this list
> <https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/3yK-C31rL3tWvNzi5co5V?domain=rarebookschool.us2.list-manage.com>
> . Thank you!
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> *Copyright © *2020 Rare Book School, all rights reserved.*
> https://rarebookschool.org/
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> Our mailing address is:
> Rare Book School
> Post Office Box 400103
> Charlottesville, Virginia 22904
> Phone: 434-924-8851
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Christine DeZelar-Tiedman
Metadata and Emerging Technologies Librarian | University of Minnesota
160 Wilson Library | 309 19th Ave. S. | Minneapolis, MN 55455
dezel002 at umn.edu | (612) 625-0381
she, her, hers
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