[DCRM-L] Standard Citation Forms, March 2021 update

Jessie Sherwood jcsherwood at law.berkeley.edu
Thu Apr 1 10:40:52 MDT 2021

The Standard Citation Forms editorial team added seven new citation forms
to the database (www.rbsms.info/scf) in March:

   - Roquincourt, T. Bibliographie française sur la marine et les colonies,
   - Griffiths, D.N. Bibliography of the Book of common prayer, 1549-1999
   - Santosuosso, A. Bibliography of Giovanni Della Casa
   - Institut narodov Azii (Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR). Ḳohelet Mosheh Aryeh
   Leyb Fridland
   - Ohly, K. Inkunabelkatalog der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek und
   anderer öffentlicher Sammlungen in Frankfurt am Main
   - McShane, A. Political broadside ballads of seventeenth-century England
   - Dorantes, A. Inventario e índice de las misceláneas de la Biblioteca
   Pública del Estado de Jalisco

~ Jessie Sherwood, on behalf of the Standard Citation Forms Editorial Team

   - Emily Baldoni
   - Valerie Buck (Co-Editor)
   - Matthew Ducmanas
   - Emily Epstein (Advisory Member)
   - Alison Greenlee
   - Rafael Linares Blasini
   - Kate Moriarty
   - Ann Myers (Advisory Member)
   - Jessie Sherwood (Co-Editor)

Jessie Sherwood, Ph.D., MLIS
Associate Librarian
The Robbins Collection
UC Berkeley, School of Law
Tel: 510.643.1236
jcsherwood at law.berkeley.edu
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