[DCRM-L] Transcribing backwards C
Rich, Allison
allison_rich at brown.edu
Tue Nov 16 09:19:28 MST 2021
I transcribe the Roman numeral as is the custom and them make a 500 note
reading: Roman numeral date made with backwards Cs.
On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 11:18 AM Lawler, Martha <Martha.Lawler at lsus.edu>
> I know this has been discussed before (many times), but I can’t seem to
> find a rule or guideline that describes how to transcribe the backward C in
> Roman numeral dates. Standard practice seems to be to record the date as:
> CI[backward C] for the equivalent of M and I[backward C] for D – but is
> there some place where this guideline is recorded? We’ve looked through
> DCRM (Books) and DCRM (Manuscripts) and – unless I’m just overlooking it –
> there is no set guideline.
> Thanks,
> *Martha M. Lawler, MLS*
> *Director*
> *James Smith Noel Collection*
> *Louisiana State University Shreveport*
> Office: (318) 798-4163 Fax: (318) 797-5156
> Martha.Lawler at lsus.edu
> <https://connect.emailsrvr.com/owa/redir.aspx?REF=H7FZ4RMQSGOZAqtO5bOiGQwgQEO0cV8uMkMZnkFraYD8iDSWaPTTCAFodHRwczovL2Nvbm5lY3QuZW1haWxzcnZyLmNvbS9vd2EvcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9WWxKdVZGQy1NLTRzYUtQeHlaQUF6QjQ4VU5ESFNpc1oyZDZCNXU5T2tlTWxVMUdiVl9UVENBRm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwyTnZibTVsWTNRdVpXMWhhV3h6Y25aeUxtTnZiUzl2ZDJFdmNtVmthWEl1WVhOd2VEOVNSVVk5U2pkRmVVSmtRMmhoZWpGeGRXZFpNRkE1TUVOclJIazNZWGxKVTJKR09XbHNRakpWUVdOdGEyOXlRWE50Ylc1d2RsQlFWRU5CUm5SWlYyeHpaRWM0TmxSWFJubGtSMmhvVEd0NGFHUXllR3hqYTBKell6Tldla3h0Vm10a1VTNHU.>
> www.lsus.edu
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> [image: LSUS_Secondary_RGB Purple-Gold_email]
"Outside of a dog,
a book is probably man's best friend,
and inside of a dog,
it's too dark to read.
- Groucho Marx"
Allison Rich
Rare Materials Cataloguer
ESTC and NACO Coordinator
John Carter Brown Library
Providence, Rhode Island
Allison_Rich at brown.edu
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