[DCRM-L] Save the date: RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee meeting, March 28, 2022

Moody, Honor M. honor_moody at harvard.edu
Fri Feb 25 13:29:40 MST 2022

Dear colleagues,

An RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee virtual meeting will be held on March 28, 2022, 3-4 PM Eastern/12-1 PM Pacific.

Draft agenda:

Reports forthcoming

  1.  DCRMR
  2.  MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) Liaison
  3.  CC:DA Liaison
  4.  Linked Data Steering Group

All are welcome, but attendees must register in advance:


Automated transcription has been turned on for this meeting. Please contact Honor Moody<mailto:honor_moody at harvard.edu> in advance of the meeting with any accessibility accommodation requests or questions.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Jennifer MacDonald and Honor Moody

BSC co-chairs

Honor Moody
Metadata Creation Manager
Harvard Library Information and Technical Services

honor_moody at harvard.edu<mailto:honor_moody at harvard.edu>

Champions of Curiosity

Remote/onsite schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays: onsite
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays: work from home

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