[DCRM-L] To be or not to be a colophon...

Foster, Samantha Joy samafost at iu.edu
Wed Nov 29 14:38:45 MST 2023

Hello cataloging crew,

I have in hand a 1937 Czech book (image attached) with colophon-esque information facing the title page. Can this still be considered a colophon even though it's not at the back of the book?

I've already consulted Carter, which emphasizes the placement as an essential feature...and yet this page seems to have all the trappings of a colophon: date, printer, number and process of illustrations, etc. If not a colophon, what else would this be called? Just "page facing title page"?

Any insight and/or opinions would be most welcome.

Thank you all!

Samantha Foster
ALF Cataloger
Lilly Library, Indiana University
Phone: (812) 855-3136

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