[DCRM-L] Request for comment: MARC Proposals and Papers

Matthew C. Haugen matthew.haugen at columbia.edu
Wed Dec 18 17:03:48 MST 2024


The agenda for the MARC Advisory Committee's Midwinter meeting, January
29-30, 2025 <https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/mw2025_age.html> has just been
published. The slate of proposals and discussion papers are now available
to the MARC community for discussion prior to the meeting.

In particular, I anticipate that two of the discussion papers (2025-DP01
<https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/2025/2025-dp01.html> and 2025-DP03
<https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/2025/2025-dp03.html>) have a high relevance
to the rare materials cataloging community, but feedback is welcome on all
of the papers and proposals.

I will compile all of the RBMS community feedback and share it with the
MARC advisory committee prior to the meeting. This will also help inform my
participation and voting during the meeting itself.

Please use this Google Form <https://forms.gle/WnW3Ytf1T9FRnbs48> to *submit
your feedback by Friday, January 17, 2024:*

*https://forms.gle/WnW3Ytf1T9FRnbs48 <https://forms.gle/WnW3Ytf1T9FRnbs48>*

Apologies for cross-posting! Feel free to share the survey with interested
colleagues who may not have received this invitation.

Thank you for your input!

Matthew Haugen
RBMS Liaison to the MARC Advisory Committee

Matthew C. Haugen
Rare Book Cataloger | Columbia University Libraries
matthew.haugen at columbia.edu | 212-851-2451 | he/they
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