[DCRM-L] OCLC cataloging subscription

MacDonald, Jennifer jsmacdon at udel.edu
Tue Feb 13 09:06:54 MST 2024

Dear colleagues,

Like many institutions, we are going through budget cuts. My administration is considering cancelling our OCLC cataloging subscription. Is anyone at an institution that did this, or contemplated doing it? Was your subscription kept or not, and what was the reasoning behind the decision? What tools or platforms did you use, or consider using, instead of OCLC? Were the needs of special collections cataloging taken into account? If it was cancelled, what kind of fallout did your institution experience? I'm particularly interested in outcomes for special collections cataloging, but general cataloging would help as well.  On- or off-list responses are welcome.



[University of Delaware]

Jennifer MacDonald


Librarian and Head, Cataloging and Metadata Department

UD Library, Museums and Press

181 South College Avenue, Newark, DE 19717

University of Delaware

Room 113B  |  302-831-1512
jsmacdon at udel.edu<mailto:jsmacdon at udel.edu>

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