[DCRM-L] Survey: The Paper Shelflist

Hobart, Elizabeth efh7 at psu.edu
Wed Jul 10 07:25:35 MDT 2024

(please excuse cross-posting)

Dear DCRM-L colleagues,

You are invited to participate in a research survey investigating the present state of the paper shelflist in rare book libraries, special collections, and archives. For the purpose of this study, "paper shelflist" is defined as any paper file (typically cards) in call number order and housed in a staff-only area. This summary explains information about this research.

  *   Participants will complete an online survey, which is expected to take no more than 30 minutes to complete.
  *   There is a risk of loss of confidentiality if your information or your identity is obtained by someone other than the investigators, but precautions will be taken to prevent this from happening. The confidentiality of your electronic data created by you or by the researchers will be maintained as required by applicable law and to the degree permitted by the technology used. Absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.
  *   You will not benefit from participating in this research study.
  *   You will not receive any payment or compensation from participating in this study.
  *   Funds from the Penn State University Libraries will be used to support this research. You have the right to ask any questions you may have about this research.
Please click the following link to participate: https://pennstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9Kwrpmll9UI9nEy

This study has been reviewed by the Penn State University IRB and deemed Exempt. If you have concerns about the research, contact Elizabeth Hobart at 814-865-1756. If you have questions regarding your rights as a research subject or concerns regarding your privacy, you may contact the Human Research Protection Program at 814-865-1775, referencing STUDY00024880. Your participation is voluntary and you may decide to stop at any time.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Hobart
Interim Head
Cataloging & Metadata Services
126C Paterno Library
University Park, PA 16801
(814) 865-1756

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