[DCRM-L] OCLC May Virtual AskQC Office Hours: Who’s Your Audience?

James,Kate jamesk at oclc.org
Wed May 8 10:31:03 MDT 2024

Sometimes it’s not obvious when to record your audience. If this is a puzzle with which you struggle, please attend our VAOH session to answer the question “Who’s Your Audience?”

Join us either Tuesday, 14 May at 10:00 am EDT (UTC -4) or Thursday, 23 May at 4:00 pm EDT (UTC -4), whichever is more convenient for you, for Who’s Your Audience?: Ways to Record Audience in Bibliographic Records. Kate James will provide an overview of recording audience characteristics in MARC 21 bibliographic records, including the benefits of various options, related RDA elements, and ethical considerations in providing this information. There will be examples from commonly used thesauri for demographic group terms including LCDGT, ERIC, and ILO. Following the presentation, there will be ample time for Q&A about this and other cataloging topics.

Registration links are here<https://help.oclc.org/WorldCat/Metadata_Quality/AskQC/Current_AskQC_office_hours>. On the Previous AskQC Office Hours<https://help.oclc.org/WorldCat/Metadata_Quality/AskQC/Previous_AskQC_office_hours> page, you may access the recordings, slides, and Q&A from past VAOH presentations. When you register, you will receive an email reminder before your chosen session along with a link to the WebEx event. All Virtual AskQC Office Hours are available from OCLC at no charge.

Please excuse any duplication of this message.


Kate James  (she/her/hers)
OCLC · Program Coordinator- Metadata Engagement, Global Product Management
6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, Ohio, 43017  United States
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