[DCRM-L] Odd woodcut title page border

Ruth Ellen St. Onge ruthellen.stonge at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 08:50:23 MDT 2024

Good morning, Ann,

I am wondering if this is a later facsimile edition of an imprint first
published in 1527. At first glance, the typeface looks more modern to me,
but I could be wrong. See for example the title page
<https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/en/view/bsb10329940?page=2,3> of this
circa 1520s Martin Luther.

You may have already looked at it, but Universal Short Title Catalogue
might be of help. See search results for the title + date here

In terms of the weird grid pattern, it looks to me like the printer was
using a damaged block that was also slightly smaller than the space they
were hoping to fill on the page. In order to fill up the missing space,
they used a combination of smaller rectangular blocks which they possibly
printed twice in two different configurations, resulting in the grid
pattern. I believe that the original block itself was missing the lower
portion with the coat of arms. In other words, the grid pattern is not
obscuring the lower half of the block, but filling in empty space (there is
some overlap, which leads me to believe that the larger more elaborate
block was printed first).

I hope this is helpful!


*Ruth-Ellen St. Onge*, MISt, PhD

Distinctive Collections Cataloguing Librarian

Archives and Research Collections
McMaster University Library

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On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 at 17:09, Ann K.D. Myers via DCRM-L <dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu>

> Hello all,
> I have an odd woodcut title page border I'm hoping someone here might have
> some ideas on. The book in question is Auslegung der Evangelien von Advent
> bis Ostrern / gepredigt durch Martin Luthern. Wittemberg : Johannes
> Grunenberg, 1527. I can't find any record of this title in OCLC, or in any
> of the reference works I currently have access to, so any tips on possible
> reference materials would be appreciated as well.
> I've posted a photo of the title page here:
> https://photos.app.goo.gl/y7o4c1o56BCaoTQPA The woodcut border has
> clearly been altered, perhaps to cover some content in the lower portion?
> It almost looks like there may have been a coat of arms that was being
> hidden? But I can't figure out how or why that grid-like pattern was
> created. Has anyone else seen anything like this? I'm also wondering if the
> border block may have been reused from another edition or publication?
> Thanks in advance for any advice,
> --Ann
> Ann K.D. Myers
> Senior Rare Books Cataloger
> Stanford Libraries
> Dept. of Special Collections and University Archives
> 415 Broadway, Floor 1, 8406
> Redwood City, CA 94063
> akdmyers at stanford.edu
> *any pronouns*
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