[DCRM-L] RBMS Controlled Vocabularies: Terms for public review and September meeting

Hoover, Sarah sehoover at email.unc.edu
Tue Sep 3 11:37:07 MDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

The RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group (CVEG) is excited to announce the first new batch of terms available for public comment on our blog. These proposals have already gone through CVEG committee review and include new terms and revisions to existing terms in the RBMS Controlled Vocabulary for Rare Materials Cataloging and the RBMS Relationship Designators. Terms will be available for public comment from September 3, 2024 through September 17, 2024. After the public review period, CVEG will discuss the comments and make necessary changes before adding or changing the terms in the vocabularies.

To comment, please respond to the appropriate term post. The terms for this review period are:

  *   New term: Yellowface minstrel jokes<https://rbms.info/cv-comments/2024/09/03/new-term-yellowface-minstrel-jokes-cvrmc/> [CVRMC]
  *   New term: Redface minstrel jokes<https://rbms.info/cv-comments/2024/09/03/new-term-redface-minstrel-jokes-cvrmc/> [CVRMC]
  *   Revised term: Lacquered bindings<https://rbms.info/cv-comments/2024/09/03/revised-term-lacquered-bindings-cvrmc/> [CVRMC]
  *   New term: Lacquered doublures<https://rbms.info/cv-comments/2024/09/03/new-term-lacquered-doublures-cvrmc/> [CVRMC]
  *   New term: Cutaway binding models<https://rbms.info/cv-comments/2024/09/03/new-term-cutaway-binding-models-cvrmc/> [CVRMC]
  *   New term: Amate paper<https://rbms.info/cv-comments/2024/09/03/new-term-amate-paper-cvrmc/> [CVRMC]
  *   Revised terms: signer<https://rbms.info/cv-comments/2024/09/03/revised-terms-signer-and-inscriber-relationship-designators/> and inscriber<https://rbms.info/cv-comments/2024/09/03/revised-terms-signer-and-inscriber-relationship-designators/> [Relationship Designators]

Additionally, we welcome visitor attendance at our monthly working meetings. Our next meeting will be on September 11 at 3 pm ET and the agenda is available here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Swu1solrnd7LBXrBiJVPdPyMuEE_Y2Kx1Dha5cMpwUo/edit?usp=sharing>.

Thank you for your participation in building these vocabularies! Please contact vocabularies at rbms.info<mailto:vocabularies at rbms.info> with any questions.

Sarah Hoover and Jenny Bradshaw
CVEG co-editors

Sarah Hoover
Special Collections Cataloger
Wilson Special Collections Library
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
sehoover at email.unc.edu<mailto:sehoover at email.unc.edu>

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