[DCRM-L] Survey invitation: Future MARC papers

Matthew C. Haugen matthew.haugen at columbia.edu
Mon Feb 3 15:00:37 MST 2025


As the RBMS liaison to the MARC Advisory Committee
<https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/advisory.html> (MAC), I am surveying
community interest in possible topics for future development of the MARC 21
Standard to support the needs of the rare materials cataloging community.

You are invited to complete this survey to express your level of support
for six proposed topics, and also to indicate whether you would like to
participate in drafting papers or proposals based on those topics. Even if
you don't want to be involved, knowing which ideas have the most community
support will help me set priorities, so I appreciate any and all responses.
The survey form is available here:


There is no deadline to respond to the survey. The next opportunities for
consideration of papers and proposals is at the MAC Annual Meeting, June
25-26, 2025, with an anticipated deadline for draft submission in April
2025, followed by the MAC Midwinter Meeting in January 2026, with an
anticipated draft deadline of November 2025.

Also, for those who are interested, here are the outcomes of the MAC
Midwinter meeting on January 29, 2025:

   - agenda <https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/mw2025_age.html>
   - recording <https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/recordings.html>

   1. Proposal No. 2025-01 <https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/2025/2025-01.html>:
   Adding Subfields $i and $4 to Fields 368, 376, and 381 in the MARC 21
   Authority and Bibliographic Formats: not approved; invited to return as
   a revised proposal in June
   2. Proposal No. 2025-02 <https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/2025/2025-02.html>:
   Redefining Subfield $b in X00 Fields in the MARC 21 Authority and
   Bibliographic Formats: Approved as written
   3. Discussion Paper No. 2025-DP01
   <https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/2025/2025-dp01.html>: Defining a New
   Subfield for Context of Transcribed Title Statement in Field 245 of the
   MARC 21 Bibliographic Format (submitted by the RBMS Bibliographic Standards
   Committee): Invited to return as a proposal.
   4. Discussion Paper No. 2025-DP02
   <https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/2025/2025-dp02.html>: Adding a Code for
   Remote Sensing Image to Fields 008/25 and 006/08 (Maps) in the MARC 21
   Bibliographic Format: Invited to return as a proposal.
   5. Discussion Paper No. 2025-DP03
   <https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/2025/2025-dp03.html>: Defining Field 655
   (Index Term-Genre/Form) in the MARC 21 Holdings Format: Invited to
   return as a proposal.
   6. Discussion Paper No. 2025-DP04
   <https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/2025/2025-dp04.html>: Redefining Subfield
   $7 to Accommodate its Use with Subfield $g in Fields 856 and 857 of the
   MARC 21 Formats: Converted to a fast-track proposal with minor

Thank you for your participation,

Matthew Haugen
RBMS Liaison to the MARC Advisory Committee
Matthew C. Haugen
Rare Book Cataloger | Columbia University Libraries
matthew.haugen at columbia.edu | 212-851-2451 | he/they
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