[DCRM-L] The declaration of Captain James Hind, 1651 [i.e. 1815]

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Fri Feb 7 10:06:39 MST 2025

Dear colleagues,

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): your  collections may be harboring a 19th-century type-facsimile of  The declaration of Captain James Hind, 1651 (Wing H2051, ESTC R5367) instead of the real McCoy. Please check your copies, and let Iris O'Brien (iris.obrien at bl.uk) of the British Library know if your holdings of R5367 need to be adjusted, or to confirm that you do have the original 1651 edition. Do not delete your own holdings; leave it to Iris to handle.

Many repositories have been fooled by this particular title, as noted by A.T. Hazen in ​"J. Sturt, facsimilist" (The library, v. s4-XXV:1 (June 1944), p. 72-79). Two distinctive features of the facsimile is a comma (instead of a semi-colon) after the word "travels," and a pasted-on (wood?)-engraved portrait (instead of an intact woodcut)--including Donald Wing, the Folger Shakespeare Library, and other prominent libraries who can out themselves if they want.

Of note is that the J. Sturt facsimiles are not forgeries; they were openly sold as facsimiles and listed in Sturt's catalogs as such. (See a follow-up note in The library, v. s4-XXVI:4 (March 1945), p. 397-308.)


DFo 151- 287q
1815 type-facsimile printed by James Barker for J. Sturt


Deborah J. Leslie [cid:b3257f09-3168-474b-b721-54f39ad8b083]  | M.A., M.L.S. | Senior Cataloger | Folger Shakespeare Library | 201 East Capitol St., SE, Washington, DC 20003 | djleslie at folger.edu<mailto:djleslie at folger.edu> | www.folger.edu<http://www.folger.edu/> | Opinions her own
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