[DCRM-L] Hiring: Rare Book Librarian, Emory University, Atlanta Ga.

Miller, Matthew L libmlm at emory.edu
Fri Feb 21 10:14:18 MST 2025

Hi DCRM folks,

Just wanted to advertise this Rare Book Librarian/Cataloger position that is currently open here at Emory (link below). Please share with your networks and consider applying if you are so inclined. "Candidates applying by March 7th will receive priority consideration."

Also, we have also scheduled a (Zoom) information session about the position to give potential candidates a chance to hear more about the role and ask questions. That session is scheduled for Thursday February 27th at 3 pm.  The registration link is: https://emory.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wR182W-hRUWiOOSbX5IBGQ

Feel free to get in touch with any questions!



Matt Miller
Senior Resources Management Specialist
Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library
Emory University
libmlm at emory.edu<mailto:libmlm at emory.edu>
404 727 9522

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