Proposal for labeling DCRM rules

Jane Gillis jane.gillis at
Tue Aug 31 07:17:57 MDT 1999

At 12:26 PM 8/30/99 Monday-0600, Robert Maxwell wrote:
>John said: 
>>I'm not arguing for any particular organization for DCRM.  However, you
>>should be aware that seeking to parallel the organization of AACR2 may well
>>be a moving target.
>My suggestion was not to try to make DCRM parallel to AACR2, but to make
>the chapters for specific types of materials number parallel to the
>numbering in the general chapter (currently DCRB). DCRB is, of course, also
>a moving target, but at least it is a moving target our group can control.
>On the other hand, we might want to model the whole DCRM on the proposed
>structure of AACR2 and organize it by area with specific types of materials
>treated in each area, rather than having a general chapter and then
>subsequent chapters for specific materials. What does everyone think of
>this suggestion?

If we follow Bob's first suggestion and make the numbering of the special
chapters parallel to the numbering in DCRB, the information could be
reassembled by area.  What I have been hearing from people interested in the
rare serials section is that most want a "manual" on how to deal with rare
serials.  I don't know if this is the case with other areas.  I think if I had
to catalog a map or a sound recording, I would want spelled out what went into
the record, what was necessary.  

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