0D (DCRB-AACR2 analysis)

Robert Maxwell robert_maxwell at byu.edu
Thu Jun 3 15:11:13 MDT 1999



        1.Reword 0D so that its language is the same as AACR2 1.0B1 and
2.0B2. Remove "explanatory" language that should be self-evident. Remove
the sentence "For the sole purpose of applying ..." and change references
to "special" sources to "prescribed" sources. 
        2.Rename the Publication, etc. area the Publication, distribution,
etc. area (this will affect chapter 4, too), but retain the order of the
prescribed sources. 
        3.Retain the stipulation of the note for data taken from elsewhere
than the t.p. for first three areas; retain details about prescribed
sources for single sheets (but revise the glossary). 
        4.Reword "areas" and "elements" language to take into account MARC
realities vs. the card environment.
Robert L. Maxwell
Special Collections and Ancient Languages Cataloger
6428 Harold B. Lee Library
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
(801) 378-5568
robert_maxwell at byu.edu

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