DCRM(S) pt. 0

Jane Gillis jane.gillis at yale.edu
Wed Jan 24 06:11:40 MST 2001

Bob (and others),

I have made the changes to 0D and 0E that Bob recommends below.  Juliet and
I have talked about 0A1 and have made some changes.  Does this help?

If anyone has anything they would like to add, just reply.

At 10:21 AM 1/19/01 -0700, Robert L. Maxwell wrote:
>I was going to send my comments on the new serial rules just to Jane and 
>Juliet, but then it occurred to me that this would be a good way to kick 
>off a new season on DCRB-L and my own comments might generate more (I 
>hope!). So I will send a series of messages (each covering one section) 
>this morning with my thoughts on the serials rules. In case anyone has 
>forgotten the URL, here it is:
>0A. This is a useful summary of why rare serials merit different treatment. 
>I suggest that perhaps a little more might be useful. You say that rare 
>cataloging rules are important because (a) they permit ready identification 
>of copies and (b) they provide a more exact description of the artifact. It 
>might be useful to explay *why* we think these two functions of rare rules 
>are important and necessary. Who cares? Why should a "regular" serials 
>cataloger care about these two things? Anyone on  dcrb-l care to defend our 
>position that these things are important and suggest succinct language for 
>DCRM(S) to this effect (we could also use such language in DCRM(G))?
>0A.1 treatment of annuals. The rule appears to say that if an annual is 
>published more than once a year it should be treated monographically? This 
>doesn't make intuitive sense to me. Many periodicals are published more 
>than once a year. Isn't the fact that an "annual" is published more than 
>once a year simply evidence that it's not an annual, but not evidence that 
>it's not a serial?
>0D. The field chart looks useful, but I would give the actual MARC 21 name 
>for the fixed field positions rather than the OCLC (??) codes. E.g., 
>instead of "PUB ST" for 008/6, use "Type of date/Publication status".
>0E. I realize you are copying this from DCRB, so I guess you need to keep 
>track of the moving target, but instead of "period" I would use AACR2 "full 
>stop" here (cf. your own 3A1, where you use "full stop").
Jane M. Gillis 
Rare Book Team | Yale University Library | New Haven CT  06520
jane.gillis at yale.edu | 203.432.8383 (voice) | 203.432.7231 (fax)

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