DCRM(S) pt. 4

Laurence Creider lcreider at lib.NMSU.Edu
Fri Jan 26 16:02:27 MST 2001

I agree with Bob's comments on this part.  

In addition, could something be said about whether or not to use the mark
of omission when leaving out material under 4C2 and 4D4. While this might
be covered by the paragraph in 0E, "When omitting information from the
source that is not considered part of any area (pious invocation, etc.;
cf. 1A2) and not grammatically connected, do not usethe mark of omission,"
I think that some of the examples in 4D4 are "grammatically linked."

Laurence S. Creider
Head, General Cataloging Unit
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM  88011
Work: 505-646-4707
Fax: 505-646-7477
lcreider at lib.nmsu.edu

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