[DCRB-L] Current status and next steps

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Tue Apr 1 16:11:48 MST 2003

Dear Colleagues, 

Here is an update on the status of the working group documents. Papers from groups 1 (general principles) and 6 (when to create a new record) have already been posted. Group 4 (collection-level) will have their paper ready very soon. Groups 2 (transcription of early letter forms), 3 (machine-press materials), and 5 (problems and lacunae) are the three groups dealing with DCRB rules, and so the editing of these three will take place simultaneously and require more time. Group 2 is very nearly finished with their work, as is Group 3. The Group 5 paper is still being worked on.

Here is the revised editing plan. I will do the initial rough editing and integration of the work of the six groups, which will be prepared for discussion at the ALA summer meeting.  After that time a small editorial group (who will be named shortly, I hope) will take over to do the finer and more detailed editing and numbering. A glossary group is being formed, and that work will be carried on contemporaneously. 

Elizabeth Robinson and I will be meeting with Barbara Tillett in the near future, at which time we should have some answers to 1) who our publisher is, 2) what kind of review process LC wants to have, and 3) some idea of the publishing timeline. 

One dangling issue is that of the index. It may require a robust revision, especially if the numbering scheme changes much (I'm advocating more depth in sub-numbering, so that individual paragraphs will be numbered making reference much easier). I'd like to open the door for ideas on accomplishing this.

Many thanks to all for your continued hard work and persistence. And I hope that interested non-conferees will feel free to jump in with comments, questions, suggestions.


Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S. 
Head of Cataloging
Folger Shakespeare Library
201 East Capitol St., S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
202.675-0369 (p)
202.675-0328 (f)
djleslie at folger.edu

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