[DCRB-L] IJUV survey worksheet

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Thu Apr 3 16:30:20 MST 2003

Dear cataloging colleagues,

As a check on the "table of last resort" in DCRM(B), Brian Hillyard has put together a survey worksheet to collect data on what catalogers actually find when converting pre-modern I/J U/V VV from upper- to lowercase. The more worksheets collected, the better we will be assured of the correctness of the table, and so would be grateful for as many volunteers as we can get, whether one catalogs 100 books between now and September 1, or only one. 

Either Brian or I would be happy to answer any questions. The worksheet, a MSWord document, is available at: http://www.folger.edu/bsc/dcrb/ijuvsurvey.doc

Brian Hillyard   	b.hillyard at nls.uk
Deborah J. Leslie 	djleslie at folger.edu

Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S. 
Head of Cataloging
Folger Shakespeare Library
201 East Capitol St., S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
202.675-0369 (p)
202.675-0328 (f)
djleslie at folger.edu

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