[DCRB-L] Colored illustrations

Jane Gillis jane.gillis at yale.edu
Wed Apr 30 14:08:50 MDT 2003

I just had an illustration printed in one color (green) on  bright yellow 
paper.  I took it around to catalogers and various library 
assistants.  *Everyone* said this was "Colored".  With the logo, if all you 
had was the RBMS--just red on white background--would that not be colored.

  "Not Colored", to me, is something that is black, white and/or 
grayscale.   "Colored" has at least one color, other than black, white or 
grayscale.  (I don't know about sepia)

Jane Gillis

At 11:04 AM 4/29/2003 Tuesday-0400, Deborah J. Leslie wrote:

>I read John's proposal with appropriate amounts of amusement and 
>seriousness. However, I do think we need  a definition of "colored," 
>because otherwise illustrations printed in one color on a tinted paper 
>would be described by some as colored, which I don't think we want.
>What if we were to specify that a colored illustration is one that is 
>printed in at least two different colors of ink? It's easy to understand, 
>and I believe that is the original intent of the clumsy wording. And the 
>RBMS logo would qualify as colored.
>This does not consider the case of hand-coloring, however, and I have some 
>issues with WG3 recommendations regarding that, which I will post in due time.
>Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S.
>Head of Cataloging
>Folger Shakespeare Library
>201 East Capitol St., S.E.
>Washington, D.C. 20003
>202.675-0369 (p)
>202.675-0328 (f)
>djleslie at folger.edu

Jane Gillis | Rare Book Cataloger|  Sterling Memorial Library
Yale University | New Haven CT  06520
(203)432-2633 (voice) | (203)432-4047 (fax) | jane.gillis at yale.edu
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