[DCRB-L] MARC format change proposal: repeatability of 260 $e,f,g

lcreider at lib.nmsu.edu lcreider at lib.nmsu.edu
Sat Aug 9 23:19:17 MDT 2003

   Before you send the proposal forward, one more typo: 10. "Miniscule" should 
be "Minuscule," I believe. 
   One thing I worry about is the impact that this might have on catalogers 
using AACR2.  Will people take advantage of the format, and is this a problem?  
On the other hand, I could see how catalogers of visual materials might find it 
     Larry Creider

Quoting John Attig <jxa16 at psulias.psu.edu>:

> I'll make that change. I've heard no other comments.  Do you want to have 
> the Committee vote or should I just send it forward?
>          John
> At 10:17 AM 8/9/2003, Deborah J. Leslie wrote:
> >John, this looks very good. I have no suggestions to make, except to point
> >out a typo in the answer to question #2: Catalogingof

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