[DCRM-L] Simplification of AACR2 ch. 21

Lenore Rouse rouse at cua.edu
Fri Jul 8 08:21:03 MDT 2005

As Richard noted, "if proper assignment of an authorial heading matters 
... the rule needs to stay." If we are satisfied with simply providing 
access the general rule would suffice; main entry under first named with 
added entries for the rest would do. Personally, unless there is 
compelling reason to diverge from past practice, I would favor retaining 
the rule if only for the sake of consistency (not to mention the 
evidence of  Bob's investigations). Also, if that footnote "do not 
accept the designation auctor...without further evidence" could be 
amplified or explained a bit, instead of merely referring the user to 
those 19th c. articles that are inaccessible to many users, the rule 
might be more helpful.


Lenore M. Rouse
Curator, Rare Books & Special Collections
The Catholic University of America
Room 214, Mullen Library
620 Michigan Avenue N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20064

PHONE: 202 319-5090
FAX: 202 319-4735
E-MAIL: rouse at cua.edu

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