[DCRM-L] imperfect copies
Stephen Skuce
skuce at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 5 10:53:05 MDT 2006
I think breaking up the long second sentence helps.
0B2. Imperfect copies. In general, base the description on the copy in
hand. If this copy is known to be imperfect, however, and details of a copy
without the imperfection(s) can be determined, base the description on the
copy without the imperfection(s). Use brackets only where required for
description of the perfect copy.
At 11:57 AM 4/5/2006 -0400, Deborah J. Leslie wrote:
>Dear colleagues,
>Im not sure the instructions for cataloging an imperfect item when a
>description for a perfect item is available are clear.
>0B2. Imperfect copies. In general, base the description on the copy in
>hand. If this copy is known to be imperfect, however, and details of a
>copy without the imperfection(s) can be determined, base the description
>on the copy without the imperfection(s), bracketing only as description of
>the perfect copy would require.
>Is this clear? Is there a better way of saying it?
>Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S.
>Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee
>Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare Library
>201 East Capitol St., S.E.
>Washington, D.C. 20003
>djleslie at folger.edu || 202.675-0369
| Stephen Skuce | Rare Books Cataloging Librarian
| MIT Libraries | Building 14E-210B | 617.253.0654 | skuce at mit.edu
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