[DCRM-L] BSC membership

James Stephenson JStephenson at getty.edu
Mon Mar 6 11:42:24 MST 2006


I am interested in serving on the Bibliographic Standards Committee for the upcoming term.

Currently I am a Senior Rare Books Cataloger at the Getty Research Institute, where I have been for the past 5 years.  Previous to that I was the Special Collections cataloger at the University of Maryland, College Park; I was in that postition from 1992-2000.  Before I joined the staff at UMD I was the cataloger for the Society of the Cincinnati Library; this was my first professional position, and I joined the staff in 1989.

I recieved my MLS in 1989 from Catholic University, where I specialized in Rare Books librarianship (when they actually had such a thing).  I recieved my BA in English Literature from George Washington University in 1983.

I have been committed to rare books librarianship for my entire professional career.  My work, from my first years as a paraprofessional through my current position, has been with cataloging. I am interested in the work of the Bibliographic Standards Committee, and attend meetings as an observer whenever I can.  

What else can I tell you that might be a help?

Jim Stephenson


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