[DCRM-L] Archives index

Robert Maxwell robert_maxwell at byu.edu
Mon Nov 13 13:29:53 MST 2006

Deborah asked me a few days ago about an index to the archives. There
was an index when we started out but somewhere in between (upgrading to
a new version or something) the index got lost and I hadn't noticed. Our
list guru here has added an index which seems to work pretty well (many
thanks to Ryan Price!)--please go try it out and see what you think. It
has various sort capabilities, and does appear to respond to boolean
searches. There is a link from the dcrm-l archives page

Robert L. Maxwell
Special Collections and Ancient Languages Catalog Librarian
Genre/Form Authorities Librarian
6728 Harold B. Lee Library
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

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