[DCRM-L] Recording symbols
Deborah J. Leslie
DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Thu Nov 30 10:23:04 MST 2006
Is it a fist?
We don't transcribe or describe non-textual symbols such as paragraph marks, rules, and the like. Why would we interpolate a description of a fist, if that is what it is?
Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S.
Head of CatalogingFolger Shakespeare Library
201 East Capitol St., S.E.
Washington, DC 20003
djleslie at folger.edu
From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu on behalf of Laurence Creider
Sent: Thu 2006-11-30 12:05
To: DCRM Revision Group List
Subject: [DCRM-L] Recording symbols
I am currently cataloging a work with a title and statement of
responsibility that says:
Tiernos afectos de amor, temor, humildad, y confianza ?h [microform] : ?b
con que clama en dulces soliloquios una alma, que arrepentida llora, y
ansiosa suspira por su verdadero bien / ?c dispuestos en decimas, las
cincuenta y tres asignadas con esta sen~al [] por el Lic. D. Diego
Calderon ... y las restantes por el Rdo. P. predicador Fr. Francisco de
las Llagas, hijo de la santa provincia de San Diego de la Serafica
Descalzes de Nro^. P. San Francisco ...
Following the word senal is a small hand with the bottom figure extended.
Other records for this title go straight from senal to por with no
indication of an omission. My reading of DCRB 0F and DCRM(B) 0G1.2 is
that I should provide a cataloger's description of the hand in brackets.
There is a common term for this symbol; can anyone tell me what it is?
Now the point that makes all this relevant to this list is that DCRM(B)
0F1.2 says to give interpolations into the title area in the language of
the publication. Does this mean that the cataloger's description should
be in Spanish? Or not? In either case, an example might be a good idea.
If the description should be in Spanish, any suggestions on what the
terminology should be?
Thank you.
In puzzlement,
Larry Creider
Laurence S. Creider, Ph.D., M.S.L.S.
Head, General Cataloging Unit
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Work: 505-646-4707
Fax: 505-646-7477
lcreider at lib.nmsu.edu
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