[DCRM-L] Citing the new ESTC

John Overholt overholt at fas.harvard.edu
Mon Oct 16 07:54:19 MDT 2006

That's how I understood him when he said "Is it worth using anything 
other than unqualified "ESTC", at least for the online resources?" I've 
always thought that the qualifier was a little excessive, and I haven't 
used it in my Hyde records. Plus, I've been pining after the 510 browse 
index Bob has set up for his catalog, and the qualifiers, to my way of 
thinking, split up that file while adding to its usefulness marginally, 
if at all.

John Overholt
Hyde Project Cataloger
Houghton Library
Harvard University

Deborah J. Leslie wrote:
> I'm not sure that Brian *is* recommending that we drop all 
> qualifications. Are you, Brian? I've already written that I don't 
> think a global change in anyone's database from ESTC (RLIN) to ESTC 
> (BL) would be appropriate. My understanding of that qualification in 
> the 510 is that it records where or in which edition the cataloger 
> found the citation, not where or in which edition someone else could 
> find it now.
> Of course, we aren't the authors of /Standard Citations/, and Barbara 
> Tillett is tied up with the JSC meetings which began an hour ago at 
> the Library of Congress. It might be nice, although not necessary, for 
> the DCRM user community to come up with a consensus or majority 
> opinion. Even more important would be for us to hash out the issues, 
> so that when Barbara and Elizabeth Robinson and I discuss this, we 
> have a good handle on the various issues and opinions.
> I, too, am full of admiration for all the effort that has gone into 
> the final proofreading of DCRM(B). [Append mental picture of me 
> blowing kisses]
> Deborah
> __________________________________________
> Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S.
> Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee
> http://www.folger.edu/bsc/index.html
> Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare Library
> 201 East Capitol St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003
> djleslie at folger.edu || 202.675-0369 || http://www.folger.edu
> ) | jane.gillis at yale.edu
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