[DCRM-L] Introduction: question re: FRBR terms

Ann W. Copeland auc1 at psulias.psu.edu
Wed Sep 13 09:01:23 MDT 2006

In the Final Report 
http://www.ifla.org/VII/s13/frbr/frbr.pdf#search=%22frbr%22 :

3.1.1 - Group 1 Entities ... (12)
next to last sentence: The entities defined as manifestation (the 
physical embodiment of an expression of a work)...

which echoes Ryan's suggested wording.

On page 22, final paragraph:

Defining manifestation as an entity also enables us to draw 
relationships between specific manifestations of a work.

I don't think as it is written in DCRM (B) that it is wrong - I do 
think we can talk about manifestations of a work or of an expression. 
But I also agree that the proposed change in wording is fine. How's 
that for sitting on the fence? Annie

At 01:42 PM 9/8/2006, you wrote:
>The Introduction speaks of users' ability to "distinguish clearly 
>among different manifestations of an expression or work" (see Intro 
>3.1.1. and following paragraph, and 3.2.2.). I'm not exactly sure 
>what we are trying to say here, or how we mean this to be 
>interpreted. In common parlance we often speak of a manifestation of 
>a work with the expression implied, but is it not physically 
>impossible to have manifestation of a work, without the expression, 
>as the sentence suggests? What would be the difference between a 
>manifestation of an expression vs. the manifestation of a work? 
>Should the phrase be changed to "Users are able to distinguish 
>clearly among different manifestations of an expression of a work"?
>Apologies if this has already been discussed.
>On 9/5/2006 6:53 PM, Deborah J. Leslie wrote:
>>Dear Colleagues,
>>I have just posted the latest version of DCRM(B) on the DCRM(B) 
>>revision page. Also posted are a (very informal!) list of the 
>>changes since the last version, our editorial checklist, and 
>>instructions for proofreaders. 
>>Speaking of whom, if, after returning from your summer holidays, 
>>you have only just seen my request for proofreaders for DCRM(B), 
>>please know that it is not too late to sign on! We can use as many 
>>pairs of eyes as are volunteered.
>>Specific proofreading assignments forthcoming (but not tonight).
>>Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S.
>>Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee
>>Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare Library
>>201 East Capitol St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003
>><mailto:djleslie at folger.edu>djleslie at folger.edu || 202.675-0369 || 
>Ryan Hildebrand, Special Collections and Archives Cataloger
>UCI Libraries, P.O. Box 19557
>University of California, Irvine, CA 92623-9557
>Telephone: (949) 824-2263 | Fax: (949) 824-2472
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