[DCRM-L] FW: Area 7 Comments
Deborah J. Leslie
DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Wed Sep 13 09:12:24 MDT 2006
Posted for Joe Ross.
-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Ross [mailto:jross at nd.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, 13 September, 2006 10:18
To: Deborah J. Leslie
Subject: Area 7 Comments
Here are my comments, which are not repetitiious of those made by Ryan
In 7B9.11, the font used for the document (Courier New) lacks the
unicode characters for old cyrillic letters upper case izhitsa (unicode
0474) and upper case ot (unicode 047E) . The characters show up as a
fill character (empty square). If this font is used, could those
characters be converted to glyphs the way early letter forms were
inserted in the text? That may, however, make the signature statement
look odd with the character inserted that way. Otherwise, another font
must be used for those characters: Arial Unicode MS font or Code2000
are possibilities. Neither Courier New nor Times New Roman includes the
older characters. I don't know what font restrictions publishers impose
on authors. Is it possible to use a different font for portions of text
or not?
On p. 136, 7B18.1, in the third line of this subsection there is a
typographical error: "but which have been issued togther"
I agree with Ryan regarding the examples for 7B10.2. The examples fit
better under 7B10.1. The fourth example "Volumes numbered: 1, 2A, 2B,
2C, 3" would be a good example for 7B17. Numbers borne by the
publication, which currently lacks an example.
The full collation given in 7B9.12 looks odd to me. Most bibliographic
descriptions put the signature note "($3 (-H3) signed)" after the
signature statement (A-H8) and before the number of leaves and
pagination statement. When I looked at this again in Bowers and
Gaskell, I discovered that Bowers is not completely consistent on the
point. He does cite instances in the appendix where the signature note
comes at the end of the pagination (Bowers, Appendix II, p. 478
Collation for Ovid's Metamorphosis, 1678), but his next example, the
collation for The Force'd Marriage, 1671, puts the signature note after
the signature statement and before the pagination as I prefer. See also
the next two collations and many others in the following pages. The
second example in Gaskell's sample bibliograhic descriptions: Appendix B
(p. 371) gives the signature note after the list of signatures and
before the pagination. That is the way I was taught the formula, and it
is what I am used to seeing. But as I say, I did see at least one
example in Bowers where the signature note follows the pagination. So,
I would prefer the following collation statement, but I can't say that
the collation as given is incorrect. Check with other catalogers?
Collation: 8vo: A-H8 [$3 (-H3) signed], 32 leaves: p. [1-2] 3-62
[63-64]; H4 blank.
Joe Ross
University of Notre Dame
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