[DCRM-L] Aera 6

Laurence Creider lcreider at lib.NMSU.Edu
Wed Sep 13 10:14:43 MDT 2006

Comments in addition to those already made:

The editorial checklist says to omit the comma before "if desired" at the 
end of a sentence.  In area 6, the phrase is most often "if considered 
important."  Should the comma be deleted prior to this phrase as well?  I 
have to admit that I do not see the purpose for a comma here, but then 
punctuation is not my strongest point.  If the commas should be deleted, 
they appear in 6A2.3 (end of clause), 6A2.6, 6.C2, 6D2, 6E2.3, 6G2, 6G3.3, 
6H3, and n. 15 to 6A2.1.

6A2.3, the statement in the rule "if it differs" is meaningless.  I think 
you mean "if the two differ" or "if it differs from the statement on the 
series title page."

6E.1 in the sentence: "If the statement of responsibility does not appear 
in this position in the source, transpose it as needed," the antecedent of 
"it" could easily (if nonsensically) be construed to be "source." How 
about "transpose the statement as needed?"

6F, example, is there only one space following the comma and preceding the 

Someone else may have mentioned it earlier, but the text following 
the designation 6G3.2 needs to be "unbolded."


Laurence S. Creider, Ph.D., M.S.L.S.
Head, General Cataloging Unit
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM  88003
Work: 505-646-4707
Fax: 505-646-7477
lcreider at lib.nmsu.edu

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