[DCRM-L] Introduction comments

nschneider at nypl.org nschneider at nypl.org
Wed Sep 20 09:34:49 MDT 2006

Comments and answers below
Nina Schneider
Berg Collection of English & American Literature, Room 320
The New York Public Library
Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street
New York, NY  10018-2788

Tel.: (212) 642-0111
Fax.: (212) 930-0079
nschneider at nypl.org

             "Deborah J.                                                   
             <DJLeslie at FOLGER.                                          To 
             edu>                      "DCRM Revision Group List"          
             Sent by:                  <dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu>                
             dcrm-l-bounces at li                                          cc 
                                       RE: [DCRM-L] Introduction comments  
             09/19/2006 06:32                                              
             Please respond to                                             
               DCRM Revision                                               
                Group List                                                 
             <dcrm-l at lib.byu.e                                             

Thanks, Nina. Comments and a couple of questions below.

-----Original Message-----
From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu [mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] On
Behalf Of nschneider at nypl.org
Sent: 11 September 2006 11:32
To: dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu
Subject: [DCRM-L] Introduction comments

Proofreading comments for Introduction.

Please note: I found some of the same problems and typos that Ryan

addressed in an earlier email. I've deleted those from this list.


1. On p. 9: List of contents: Intro 8 should read, "Intro 8. Examples and

notes"[DJL]  Fixed

3. On p. 10: "Intro 2.1." and "Intro 2.2." should be on separate line to

conform to layout?[DJL]  Yes and no. Subsection headers get their own lines
only when they have a caption. However, I thought it was appropriate to add
captions to these two (“AACR2 and ISBD(A)” and “MARC21” respectively) and
so yes, they are now on a separate line.

4. On p. 13: "Intro 3.2.1.  ... distinguish clearly among different

manifestations of an expression or work" Cf. Ryan's notes on FRBR terms vs.

DCRM(B) language.[DJL]  fixed

5. On p. 15: Reference to rules 4B3-4, 4 B8-12, 4E incorrect? [DJL]  Why do
you think they might be incorrect? These talk about supplied place names,
which for us is in English, but for non-English agencies should probably be
in the modern forms of their own language. Or am I missing something else?

Sorry, I guess I wasn't explicit and I may have made a mistake on this
question. I see now that the rules that are referenced in Area 4 relate
directly to the Intro 5. However, I'm not quite clear on the need for
English language preferences in Area 5. However, since it's probably just
confusion (or inexperience) on my part and not directly related to
proofreading, I'm going to withdraw this comment.

8. On p. 17: Reference to "see Intro 7"  under "'Optional note'" is

incorrect. Perhaps Intro 8.2. ?[DJL]  Should have been “Intro 4.” Fixed

9. On p. 20: Fourth paragraph, beginning, "Although treatment of

headings..." Re. Full-level cataloging: "The name headings need not be

established using authority records, although full authority work will

generally result in greater consistency of headings and improved access."

This in contrast to the Core-level which states that headings must be

established in the LC/NACO and SACO files.[DJL]  Sorry Nina, I’m missing
your point.

The point here is that Core-level records and Full-level records require
full authority work. The sentence in this fourth paragraph states, "The
name headings need not be established using authority records, although
full authority work will generally result in greater consistency of
headings and improved access." This makes it sound as if any authority work
is optional in Full-level records, which is not true. I would suggest
either changing this sentence to requre authority work or deleting it


Also: Although we weren't asked to comment upon the preliminary pages, I

found a couple of problems:

1. Table of Contents needs pagination[DJL]  The TOC, along with the title
page, will be redesigned by the graphic designer. Plus, we can’t add page
numbers until all the editing is done. But thanks for the reminder.

I didn't want to assume...

2. The leaf following the ToC [p. 4] is blank. Is this intentional?[DJL]
Yes, all major sections, with the possible exception of Area 3, begin on

3. On p. 7, with paragraph beginning, "Our thanks go, too, to the
Folger...", there is mention of images. When will these be added?  [DJL]
They are already there; I obtained all the images of characters in area 7
and appendix G from Folger books using a digital microscope or a scanner.
If there is a graphic on the cover, it will also be from the Folger. (The
designer will present several possible designs, only one of which (I
believe) will have a graphic, which will be one or more of the two dozen
printers’ marks I scanned). Do I need to be more explicit about the kind of
images I mean?

No. I just wasn't sure if we were looking at a draft that was meant to have
images and didn't.

4. On p. 7, bottom line and continuing to first two lines of p. 8: the

names are italicized and out of sequence.[DJL]  Yup. The italicized
out-of-sequence names are of those people who volunteered to proofread; I
un-italicize them and add to the correct sequence when they send in their


Nina Schneider


Berg Collection of English & American Literature, Room 320

The New York Public Library

Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street

New York, NY  10018-2788

Tel.: (212) 642-0111

Fax.: (212) 930-0079

nschneider at nypl.org

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