[DCRM-L] Introduction comments

Manon Theroux manon.theroux at yale.edu
Wed Sep 20 16:15:49 MDT 2006

>9. On p. 20: Fourth paragraph, beginning, "Although treatment of
>headings..." Re. Full-level cataloging: "The name headings need not be
>established using authority records, although full authority work will
>generally result in greater consistency of headings and improved access."
>This in contrast to the Core-level which states that headings must be
>established in the LC/NACO and SACO files.

>[DJL]: Sorry Nina, I’m missing your point.

>[NS]: The point here is that Core-level records and Full-level records require
>full authority work. The sentence in this fourth paragraph states, "The
>name headings need not be established using authority records, although
>full authority work will generally result in greater consistency of
>headings and improved access." This makes it sound as if any authority work
>is optional in Full-level records, which is not true. I would suggest
>either changing this sentence to requre authority work or deleting it

[MT]: Creating authority records for headings in 
full-level records isn't a requirement, as far as 
I know. If anyone can point to something that 
says otherwise, please do! I think the only time 
we're *required* to back up headings with 
authority records is in PCC core-level records 
(and even then you can weasel out of creating a 
series authority record by transcribing the 
series as "untraced" if you want to!).


Manon Théroux
Authority Control Librarian
Catalog Department
Yale University Library
P.O. Box 208240
New Haven, CT 06520-8240

203-432-8376 (tel)
203-432-7231 (fax)
manon.theroux at yale.edu 
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