[DCRM-L] Area 0
Deborah J. Leslie
DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Fri Sep 22 14:53:15 MDT 2006
Forwarded from Lisa Furubotten.
Hi Deborah!
I brought the text on my laptop to work on this in Mexico City, where I am for 2 weeks, giving serial workshops. I'm sorry, I am sure I am repeating what the others are seeing, but I don't have good access to email from here to see the other comments. The signal in the hotel is not good. I'm sending this via a friend in CUIB.
Since I am probably the least knowledgeable about this topic, I thought I would do something different than the others, and turn on my reveal codes button and check the text that way. I can be more help in finding formatting errors, than in trying to find other types of errors which you all can do better than I can.
I am understanding from examining the text that you are using the following formatting, so I am looking for deviations from the following norms:
* Only one space, instead of 2, between sentences. But consistently done.
* References to "Intro #" (no period) consistent.
* Footnote numbering runs through the whole text, not by section.
* Deliberate paragraph breaks after line before notes. 6 pts.
* Examples always indented by .5, and hanging by .2, preceded by 12 pts.
* Footnotes indented by .25, preceded by 6 pts.
* New letter headings = PL 13, subnumber headings = PL 12, Text = PL 12, examples PL 10
* Transcription/On source PL 12, not bold.
* Source citations are PL 12,
* Transcription examples are Courier New 10.
* Example notes are also CN 10.
* Editorial comments are PL 10. Ran search on editorial comments, consistently indented 1.0. Seems a lot.
* Margins consistently and 1.25 each side.
* Section contents PL 12, not bold, single spaced.
To consider:
* Examples are indented only to the left (.5). Do you not want to indent also on the right? Looks a little off kilter indented to one side only. Could reduce the indentation on the left, and then add same amount on right.
* For readability, add a small space between different elements in examples (3-4 pts)? Or maybe not......
Poetry of animated nature illustrated : a chaste, interesting and instructive present for juveniles. -- Second edition. -- Philadelphia : Published by Robert A. Smith, 1848
Note: Title, edition statement, and imprint taken from printed wrapper. Title page reads: Poetry of animated nature illustrated. In a series of numbers. Philadelphia: Published by Robert A. Smith, 1846
* Bulleted lists are separated from preceding paragraphs by 12 pts. Looks "spacey" and divorces bullets from preceding text ending in ':". What if you changed the spacing before bulleted lists following ':' ending the preceding text (and maybe before examples), from 12 pts to 6-8 pts?
* Alternative rule cells might look better if the right cell wall is pulled out to the end of the right text margin; or if you use text boxes instead of table cells. As is, the right cell wall is causing your examples within cell to be shorter on right side than examples in text. See pg. 31.
Misc. stuff
Section 0. pg. 24, footnote 2
"These thesauri include: Binding Terms; Genre Terms; Paper Terms; Printing and Publishing Evidence; Provenance Evidence; and Type Evidence." That's 6. Sitting in Mexico I can't look if there are more; but if that is all of them, then should you change the word 'include"? Using it presumes there are more and this is a partial list, so I assume there are more thesauri not mentioned.
Section 0.B1
"...information available: title proper, date of publication, extent of item, size of item."
Deliberate omission of 'and' before "size"?
Section 0B2.2
"Use brackets only where required for description of the perfect copy." I'm obtuse, but I think you mean details that I got from other sources and not the item in hand are in brackets. It's probably clarified elsewhere, but maybe a note or rewording for the elucidation of the 'newbies'?
Section 0C1.1.
".... a single sheet (see 1G) is the title page, or, if there is no title page, the ..."
';' after page, instead of ','?
Section 0C2, last ¶
"the usual title page, or, in a multipart monograph"
';' after page, instead of ','?
Section 0C3
"following, in this order of preference:
a source within the preliminaries or the colophon
a source elsewhere within the publication
a reference source
The next sentence begins, and there is no period to finish this list or thought. Honestly, I don't know if this is correct or not, and being here, have no way to look it up. Just throwing it out there.
Section 0C2
You have an extra space in front of bullet e. Instead of trying to tab bullets in and then use hanging indents to force the bullet margins, why not use the bullet function, and customize the bullet margins in the bullet function to get the spacing you want? I would also add 4 pts between bullets for readability. You're making your life harder trying to 'tab & hang' this stuff in, and any change in wording/spacing elsewhere will throw your tabs out of line.
a) If the title pages present the publication in different aspects (e.g., as an individual item and as part of a multipart item), prefer the one that corresponds to the aspect in which the publication is to be treated.
b) If the publication is in more than one volume, each of which has a title page, use the title page in the first volume (or the lowest numbered volume if the first volume is not available).
c) If the publication is in one volume and the chief difference between multiple title pages is imprint date, choose the one with the latest date.
d) If the publication is in one volume and the chief difference between two title pages is that one is letterpress and the other is not, choose the letterpress title page.
e) If the publication has the same title page in more than one language or script, choose the title page that is in the language or script of the main part of the publication.
f) If two title pages face one another, choose the one on the recto of its leaf.
g) If two or more title pages follow one another, choose the first one.
Section 0D
Break in table at bottom of pg. 26 awkward, is there someway to gain a line somewhere to force "details" onto pg. 26? By the way, I would put a space before the table and that fixes the problem; on the other hand, then it looks funny that only "Title and statement of responsibility" are left on the page. Or this may solve itself as you adjust the text in other areas.
For some reason the right on the table is not indented but the left is. I don't understand what Word is doing here. By the way, here your hanging paragraphs are 3.25 instead of the .2 used in the examples. Deliberate?
It doesn't look like you used the column function, and again you tabbed this in, controlling the margins with hanging indents. What if you used a table to hold the information in place, and control the margins, and erase the table lines? As rest of text moves from editing, Word should not divide a cell among 2 pages, so you wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.
in preferred order below. Enclose information taken from outside the prescribed sources in square brackets.
Area Prescribed Sources of Information
1. Title and statement of responsibility Title page
2. Edition Title page, other preliminaries, colophon
3. Material (or type of publication) specific details [Not applicable]
4. Publication, distribution, etc. Title page, colophon, other preliminaries
5. Physical description The whole publication
6. Series Series title page, monograph title page, coverf, rest of the publication
7. Note Any source
8. Standard number and terms of availability Any source
Pg. 29, top.
No biggie, but have an orphaned transcription from the bottom of pg. 28. May fix itself as text is edited.
Pg. 29,
Heading "0G2. Capitalization and conversion of case" not in bold.
Pg. 29-30, footnote 5.
" If any of the letters is transcribed" I am muttering to myself 'any is' or 'any are' so much that now they both sound funny!
By the way, there is a way to set the footnotes so that the pg. spacing adjusts to accommodate a large footnote. You don't have to have this footnote flowing onto the next page if you don't want it to do that.
Pg. 33-34, pg. break although there is space on pg. 33. Intentionally starting new subnumberd sections on new pages? Have seen instances of sections started in middle and bottom of page, for example 0G6.
Pg. 34.
De laudibus urbis Etruriae et Italiae
On source:
Graecae grammatices
Transcription and On source is not in italics in the preceding text, but now starting to appear in italics, see next examples also. Do you want it consistently in italics or not? I think it looks better in italics, I'd do it that way throughout the text.
0G51, pg. 35
" When using the mark of omission, generally give it with a space on either side." Maybe should be "both sides."
0G6.5, pg. 37
"If the brackets are due to interpolations such as corrections or expansions (see 0G8.2, 4B3, 4B4), however, use separate pairs of brackets." Move the 'however' to the beginning of the sentence?
0G8.2, top pg. 39
"sign ( <<Picture (Metafile)>> )" has space before T sign, but not after. Deliberate because better looking?
0G10.3, Pg. 40, orphaned example. May take care of itself as text is edited.
Pg. 5, 2nd ¶
All other people mentioned, their charges are in parenthesis. But Barbara Tillet's position is between commas (no parentheses). Deliberate inconsistency?
Pg. 6. 1st ¶, line 4. Changes from DCRB
Area 6 spelled with capital A in middle of paragraph. In text, area spelled with small 'a' when either with area number, or area name. Same paragraph, Area 4 and Area 0. Ran a 'find' on text, these are the only instance of 'Area' with capital A. Deliberate?
Pg. 146, B2.1
First bullet attached to preceding paragraph. "groups of items that come to a library already well organized by a previous owner"
This if fun! I'll try to do more on the plane tomorrow; that is, run searches on text to check consistency in formatting and font.
Texas A&M
Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S.
Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee
Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare Library
201 East Capitol St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003
djleslie at folger.edu | 202.675-0369 | http://www.folger.edu
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