[DCRM-L] FW: Reading assignment

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Fri Sep 22 15:06:14 MDT 2006

Forwarded from Eileen Heeran. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Eileen Heeran [mailto:eheeran at umich.edu] 
Sent: Friday, 22 September, 2006 17:01
To: Deborah J. Leslie
Subject: Reading assignment

Hello Deborah,


I am currently having difficulties with my e-mail, so I hope this
arrives to you.  I've tried posting to the listserv, and keep receiving
error messages.  Our IT department is working on the problem, but
probably won't be done in time for me to send to the listserv again.


The grammatical/typographical errors are as follows:


Area 2:

2B1.            [Remove extra space following comma after 'appears']: 

Transcribe a statement relating to an edition or issue of a publication
as it appears,  according to the general rules 0B-0G. Include any
explanatory words or phrases appearing with the edition statement. 





Appendix F:


F1.              [Second paragraph change 'The' to 'This']:


The This appendix is not intended as an exhaustive list of all instances
in which title access points may be made.


0F1.1. [Change spelling to non-Roman, and romanized to Romanized]:

Title proper in nonroman non-Roman script

If nonroman non-Roman text has been transcribed within the first five
words of the title proper, provide additional title access for a
romanized Romanized version of the title proper using the ALA-LC
Romanization Tables. 

0G2.3              [ Delete the second 'been']

If any of the first five words in the title proper is a Latin word with
a final capital I that has been been retained in the transcription,
provide additional title access for the form of title proper with the
final capital I converted to ii.


Footnotes:      All line up correctly to corresponding citations.

References:    Correctly refer to the appropriate rule and subsection
(when applicable).

Formatting:     Pagination is fine.

                        Area 2:

2B10.          BOLD the text.

2C2.            BOLD '2C2.'


Appendix F:


0G7.1.             BOLD '0G7.1. Title proper with non-standard
orthography (Optional)'

7B11.          BOLD '7B11. Titles of accompanying material (Optional)'

7B19.          BOLD '7B19. Copy-specific titles (Optional)'



Area 1 [not my area, but I noticed this]


1F1.1. BOLD: 'By same person or body.'



**Thanks so much, Deborah.  Again, I am sorry that the system is acting
strangely today!


Have a lovely weekend!








Eileen M. Heeran

Cataloguer in Residence, Special Collections Library

The University of Michigan

Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library Rm. 711

920 N. University

Ann Arbor, MI  48019-1205

734-615-1406 / eheeran at umich.edu


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