[DCRM-L] Call for volunteers: RBMS Genre terms

Carol E Pardo cep2 at columbia.edu
Tue Jul 17 10:52:07 MDT 2007

I'd like to participate.

Carol Pardo
Rare Book Cataloger
Columbia University Libraries

On Tue, 17 Jul 2007, nschneider at nypl.org wrote:

> Greetings!
> One of the goals of the Bibliographic Standards Committeeÿÿs Thesaurus
> Subcommittee is to provide scope notes (SN) for all terms found in the
> Controlled Vocabularies for Use in Rare Book Cataloging. As a first step,
> the subcommittee identified fifty-nine terms from the Genre Terms Thesaurus
> (rbgenr) that need SNs as soon as possible, either to resolve conflicts
> among thesauri, or to fulfill requests from users. We are seeking
> volunteers to draft SNs for these terms.
> We hope to have enough volunteers so that each person only needs to work on
> five terms. If you are interested in volunteering, we ask that you first
> become familiar with the proposal form (attached), as well as the ANSI/NISO
> standard (http://www.niso.org/standards/resources/Z39-19-2005.pdf).
> Both documents will help in the formation of appropriate and succinct
> descriptions.
> Please respond with your statement of interest no later than July 31st so
> that terms can be assigned accordingly.
> Thanks very much.
> Nina
> (See attached file: new term proposal form.doc)
> +------------------
> Nina Schneider
> Thesaurus Editor
> Berg Collection of English & American Literature, Room 320
> The New York Public Library
> Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street
> New York, NY  10018-2788
> Tel.: (212) 642-0111
> Fax.: (212) 930-0079
> nschneider at nypl.org

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