[DCRM-L] Format for vellum?

Christopher Cook cdcook at uiuc.edu
Fri Nov 16 17:49:33 MST 2007

I hope you'll post his answer to the list.
Chris Cook

---- Original message ----
>   I remember that was possibly the most interesting thing I learned
>   from his class on the 15th-century book, that different presses
>   were used for different sizes. But maybe I can toss him this
>   query to see what he really does say.
Christopher D. Cook
Rare Book Cataloging Project Manager
and Visiting Assistant Professor of Library Administration
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
346 Library (MC-522)
1408 W. Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801
Tel. 217-333-3174 | Fax: 217-333-2214

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