[DCRM-L] FW: BRS and rare books/material

Robert Maxwell robert_maxwell at byu.edu
Thu Oct 15 11:18:46 MDT 2009

I received this communication from Iris Wolley, who is one of the authors of the BSR. I will also forward some comments I had about this in a subsequent message.


Robert L. Maxwell
Special Collections and Ancient Languages Catalog Librarian
Genre/Form Authorities Librarian
6728 Harold B. Lee Library
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

-----Original Message-----
From: Iris Wolley [mailto:iw2117 at columbia.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:05 AM
To: Robert Maxwell
Cc: Louise Ratliff; Magda El-Sherbini; Rebecca R. Malek-Wiley; Carolyn Sturtevant; Caroline R. Miller
Subject: BRS and rare books/material

Hello Robert
My colleague passed your message to the DCRM(b) revision group list 
along to me. The text of it is appended below my message.

The recently approved BIBCO Standard Record is for printed monographs, 
_but doesn't include rare books_. This information should have been 
included in the BSR introduction. So I can understand your concern.

The BSR committee work is through (for the BSR for printed monographs) 
and I am not aware, as of this posting, who will be working on the next 
steps for inclusion of other formats for the BSR (rare,  visual, sound 
recordings, etc.).

I hope this clears up your concerns. At this time I cannot speak for the 
PCC with regard to additional work for the BSR for formats other than 
the printed monograph.

Iris Wolley
Columbia University Libraries
New York, NY

Subject:     [DCRM-L] BIBCO Standard Record
Date:     Wed, 14 Oct 2009 19:03:10 -0600
From:     Robert Maxwell <robert_maxwell at byu.edu>
Reply-To:     DCRM Revision Group List <dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu>
To:     DCRM Revision Group List <dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu>

As most of you know, the BIBCO standard record has now been approved 
(see message and link below).  One of my catalogers points out that this 
seems to blast out of the water DCRM(B) Core, since core is now 
obsolete. The main problem with this is that in DCRM(B) Core 050 was not 
required; this was the main reason we used the core here. 050 is 
required in the new BIBCO Standard Record. I know many of us commented 
on this specific issue to the PCC Policy Committee, but our comments 
appear to have fallen on deaf ears. Is anyone involved in this standard 
on DCRM-L? If so, could you comment?

Would the chair of Bibliographic Standards care to request clarification 
and/or protest? This change will greatly diminish our BYU PCC 
contributions in areas where we use idiosyncratic call number schemes 
and do not want to take the time to create full blown LC call numbers 
for 050 (e.g. series of pamphlets). (Until we get clarification on this 
issue we intend to continue to code DCRM(B) PCC records without 050 as 

These are the members of the committee that created the BIBCO Standard 
Record policy:

Members: Magda El-Sherbini, Ohio State University, Rebecca Malek-Wiley, 
Tulane University, Caroline Miller, University of California, Los 
Angeles, Louise Ratliff, University of California, Los Angeles, Carolyn 
Sturtevant, Coop, Library of Congress

Iris Wolley, Columbia University (coordinator)

Liaisons: Joe Kiegel, Standing Committee on Standards, University of 
Washington, Rebecca Lubas, Standing Committee on Automation, University 
of New Mexico, Bob Wolverton, Standing Committee on Training, 
Mississippi State University


Robert L. Maxwell

Special Collections and Ancient Languages Catalog Librarian

Genre/Form Authorities Librarian

6728 Harold B. Lee Library

Brigham Young University

Provo, UT 84602


-----Original Message-----

From: Program for Cooperative Cataloging [mailto:PCCLIST at loc.gov] On 
Behalf Of Antony Robert David Franks

Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 2:01 PM


Subject: BIBCO Standard Record Approved

The PCC Policy Committee (PoCo) has approved the creation of a BIBCO

Standard Record (BSR) for monographic materials.   The requirements for

the BSR for monographs were laid out in the final report of the Task 
Group on BIBCO Standard Record Requirements, available from the PCC 
Website at: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/bibco/BSR-Final-Report.pdf

The Policy Committee will be discussing the details of BSR 
implementation at its upcoming meeting (November 5 and 6, 2009) at the 
Library of Congress.  The PoCo will also consider the process of 
creating BSR

guidelines for other formats.   Details will be forthcoming after the

November meetings in Washington.

Anthony R.D. Franks

Head, Cooperative Programs Section

Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division Library of Congress

202-707-2822 (voice)

202-252-2082 (fax)

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