[DCRM-L] Showing alternation of gatherings in MARC

Randal Brandt rbrandt at library.berkeley.edu
Wed Sep 2 13:37:30 MDT 2009

My practice has been to use the dot in the center of the line, which is 
available in the OCLC character set. Precedence for this can be found in 
/Examples to Accompany Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books/, 2nd ed. 
(see Example 31).


Nickeson, Walter wrote:
> How to show, in MARC, the regular alternation of gatherings in a
> signature statement? There is no superscript slash to use in something
> like "A-M^8/4". A glance at some records in OCLC shows separating
> superscript numbers with a slash, a superior dot or a dot in center of
> line, and even a space. There is also the practice of using descriptive
> text in place of superscripts, such as "A-M in alternate gatherings of 8
> and 4."	
> *****************************************
>   Walter F. Nickeson, Catalog &
>     Metadata Management Librarian
>   Rush Rhees Library
>   University of Rochester
>   Rochester, NY  14627-0055
>   wnickeson at library.rochester.edu 
>   (585) 273-2326  fax: (585) 273-1032
> *****************************************

Randal Brandt
Principal Cataloger
The Bancroft Library
(510) 643-2275
rbrandt at library.berkeley.edu
"It's hard enough to remember my opinions without 
remembering my reasons for them"--The Streets.

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