[DCRM-L] WorldCat Local draft report from Music OCLC Users Group
dooleyj at oclc.org
Tue Apr 13 13:31:29 MDT 2010
Of potential interest in the context of the RBMS conversations about
WorldCat Local.
Jackie Dooley
Consulting Archivist
OCLC Research and the RLG Partnership
949.492.5060 (home/office)
949.295.1529 (mobile)
dooleyj at oclc.org
647 Camino de los Mares, Suite 108-240
San Clemente, CA 92673
-----Original Message-----
From: Discussion list for current WorldCat Local customers.
[mailto:OCLC-WCL-L at OCLC.ORG] On Behalf Of Rebecca Belford
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:07 PM
To: oclc-wcl-l
Subject: [OCLC-WCL-L] WorldCat Local draft report from Music OCLC Users
Dear WorldCat Local users,
The Music OCLC Users Group (MOUG) Reference Services Committee has been
working on a document recommending enhancements to WorldCat Local in
order to make it a better discovery tool for music-related materials.
While the report speaks to specific issues regarding discovery of
music-related materials, many of the issues are broader or shared among
formats; the Committee hopes that the issues and recommendations in the
draft report will be of general interest to WorldCat Local users.
The draft report is now available through the MOUG website. You may
access it directly at
The document is a draft and is intended as a basis for discussion and
further examination. The MOUG Board and Reference Services Committee
welcome comments via OCLC-WCL-L, or comments may be sent directly to the
Reference Services Chair, Rebecca Belford, at rbelford at uoregon.edu
<mailto:rbelford at uoregon.edu>.
Thank you for your consideration.
Rebecca Belford
Chair, MOUG Reference Services Committee
Rebecca Belford
Music Librarian
Knight Library
1299 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1299
rbelford at uoregon.edu
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