[DCRM-L] [Fwd: [rules] MARBI Discussion papers concerning RDA at the Midwinter Meeting]

Laurence S. Creider lcreider at lib.nmsu.edu
Mon Dec 20 12:00:28 MST 2010

Please pardon any duplication.

John Myers sent this to the CC:DA "rules" list and asks that folks working
with rare materials rules pay particular attention to MARBI DP 2011-01,
Changes to the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format to Accommodate RDA Production,
Publication, Distribution and Manufacture Statements.  Thanks, John. I
agree with him.  We should probably try to make comments, individually or
as a group.

Having briefly glanced at the proposal, it seems incompletely thought
through.  In particular, there is no room for dealing with the situation
in early materials where the functions of Booksellers, printers, and
distributors were not distinct and the term publisher is not very precise
in describing any of these.  I am sure it is no coincidence that none of
the examples describe anything but very current imprints.

The DCRM(G) folks might want to pay attention as well to DP 2011-02,
Identifying Work, Expression, and Manifestation records in the MARC 21
Bibliographic, Authority, and Holdings formats.

The discussion on DP 2011-01 is being held Sunday morning, so it might be
possible to discuss it at BSC?  DP 2011-02 is being discussed Saturday
morning. 10:30-12:30.


Laurence S. Creider
Special Collections Librarian
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM  88003
Work: 575-646-7227
Fax: 575-646-7477
lcreider at lib.nmsu.edu

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [rules] MARBI Discussion papers concerning RDA at the Midwinter
From:    "Myers, John F." <myersj at union.edu>
Date:    Mon, December 20, 2010 11:13 am
To:      rules at ala.org

The MARBI meetings at Midwinter will be considering 4 discussion papers
concerning RDA data within the MARC 21 format.  With the holidays
pressing and Midwinter following on their heels, I hope you can find a few
moments to consider them.

The agenda, with links to the papers is at this url:


If you have any comments or feedback you would like me to convey on behalf
of CC:DA, I would welcome the input.  I suspect replies to the list would
be most effective in order to ensure that I and others can hear all sides.
 Discussion papers 2011-DP01 and 2011-DP02 will both be addressed on the
Sunday MARBI meeting, so you can also get my attention during the Saturday
CC:DA meeting.

Those two are the ones which I think are most pressing, although the other
two have import as well (and which will be addressed Saturday morning).  I
would be very interested to hear from our colleagues
involved in cataloging Rare Materials regarding the solutions offered in
DP01 for the RDA elements concerning production, publication,
distribution, and manufacture statements.

John F. Myers, Catalog Librarian

Schaffer Library, Union College

807 Union St.

Schenectady NY 12308


myersj at union.edu

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