[DCRM-L] Cataloging bound-withs

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Fri Nov 12 09:23:24 MST 2010

We don't have that problem in Voyager. All titles in the call number
index display, properly ordered. 


What remains a huge mess is what prompted Jennifer's query in the first
place: the relationship between bibliographic records, holdings records,
and item records in sammelbands, especially when they contain both
monographs and serials. We treat our rare materials differently than our
modern materials. Modern bound-withs have a single holdings/item record
linked to multiple bibliographic records. This of course permits all
titles in the volume to display as "charged."


For our rare materials, we have not yet implemented automated
circulation and are still using call slips. In Voyager, each title has
its own holdings and item record(s). This makes it possible to make and
display copy-specific notes relating to individual items within the
sammelband. I've no idea what will happen when we eventually move (as I
hope we do) to automated circulation. We've had a demo of Atlas Systems'
Aeon, which looks really good but I'm not sure how it handles this
problem. I'm copying Christian Dupont on this, in case he can enlighten


Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S.

RBMS past chair 2010-2011 | Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare

201 East Capitol St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003 | 202.675-0369
(phone)  202.675-0328 (fax) | djleslie at folger.edu  | www.folger.edu





From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu [mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] On
Behalf Of Ruth Ann Hay
Sent: Thursday, 11 November, 2010 12:22
To: DCRM Revision Group List
Subject: Re: [DCRM-L] Cataloging bound-withs


Thank you, Margaret and Deborah for your replies. We do, in fact, number
each item. Using Sirsi terminology, the "parent" or first title is given
an inclusive number, i.e.,  no.1-30. Each "child" record is then given a
number that corresponds to its placement in the bound volume: no. 2,
no.3, etc. 


Does anybody else have a problem with the first title only displaying in
the call number index? If so, has anyone been able to get it worked out
so that all titles display?


Thank you,


Ruth Ann



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