[DCRM-L] DPC for Area 4, manufacture elements

Fletcher, Jain jfletchr at library.ucla.edu
Fri Sep 7 10:31:01 MDT 2012

Hello, everyone,
   Attached you will find discussion of an issue that I brought up at the BSC June 22 meeting in Anaheim.  As I say at the beginning of it, it has 3 parts: 1) existing or draft rule texts to aid in discussion (these will also sometimes have yellow highlights, so you will know those are not the actual proposed texts); 2) discussion and 3) at the very end, a summary of the actual proposed texts. These last will be obvious, because I have "simulated" a tracked-changes document by using red font for the proposed changes.
   The proposal goes so far as to suggest rule number changes at the end of Area 4 (with reasons given in the discussion portion), but I know that this is a bigger issue than most of us would like to touch, so I am very open to suggestion of other ways to approach the rule numbering in that section, without removing the added text in that area, which I think is crucial (and hope you agree).
   I would also suggest that, despite my attempts to help the reading by including existing DCRM(B) text, people would benefit by looking at DCRM(B) and even glancing at AACR2 (when prompted in the discussion) while reading.
   I am interested in everyone's comments about this issue, and hope that the DCRM editors will lend their experience with these rule issues to the discussion.

Jain Fletcher
Principal Cataloger & Head, Cataloging Section
Collection Management Division
Library Special Collections
Young Research Library - UCLA Box 951575
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575
v: (310) 794-4096
f: (310) 206-1864
e: jfletchr at library.ucla.edu<mailto:jfletchr at library.ucla.edu>
Pedantry and mastery are opposite attitudes toward rules.
To apply a rule to the letter, rigidly, unquestioningly, in cases where it fits and in cases where it does not fit, is pedantry...
To apply a rule with natural ease, with judgment, noticing the cases where it fits, and without ever letting the words of the rule obscure the purpose of the action or the opportunities of the situation, is mastery.
George Polya, professor of mathematics (1887-1985)

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