[DCRM-L] Future publication of DCRMs
Manon Theroux
manon.theroux at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 11:31:05 MST 2013
I like the idea of having them freely available on the RBMS website
for people to download (and print, if they want a print version). Is
there some doubt that this can be done? (I notice the words "we hope"
I would not want them to *only* be available through Cataloger's
Desktop. That would price out a lot of people/institutions. And there
are times when a print version is highly desirable.
If LC will remain the publisher, it would be good to confirm with them
whether they will still be responsible for contracting out the
indexing. And whether they can still do the graphical work to produce
the covers (basing them on the existing DCRM covers). Although the
covers wouldn't display in Cataloger's Desktop, it would be nice to be
able to incorporate them into the versions of the DCRM documents
posted on rbms.info (and I should think it shouldn't be hard to create
these cover images).
Manon Théroux
Head of Technical Services
U.S. Senate Library
On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 12:33 PM, ANN W. COPELAND <auc1 at psu.edu> wrote:
> Jane,
> Thank you for sharing this news. I wonder if we would seek another publisher
> for the remaining 3 manuals when they are ready, or do they have to be LC to
> be including in Catalogers' Desktop? For instance, the Music Library
> Association does some publishing I believe.
> Thanks, Annie
> ________________________________
> From: "Jane Carpenter" <jfcarpenter at library.ucla.edu>
> To: "dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu" <dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu>
> Cc: "Jose Fernando Pena" <Jose.Pena at liu.edu>, "bsc at rbms.info"
> <bsc at rbms.info>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 12:24:09 PM
> Subject: [DCRM-L] Future publication of DCRMs
> Dear Colleagues,
> As most of you already know, LC informed BSC this week that with the
> exception of DCRM Graphics, all future DCRM publications will be online
> only. I’m passing on some additional information received today from Peter
> Seligman of LC’s Consumer Products and Services Section of the Office of
> Business Enterprises, which now oversees print publications:
> “Given the projected manuscript production and delivery
> schedule, we felt that the Graphics publication was too far along for us to
> suddenly inform everyone that we could no longer do it in print. Music and
> Cartographics were not quite so imminent. We're truly sorry to deliver this
> unexpected news but these are business decisions we must make. Yes--Bruce
> [Johnson] will be handling the three manuals inclusion in Cataloger's
> Desktop. As for the sequester--who knows what effects it will have on
> everyone? The Library of Congress is planning for almost a week of unpaid
> staff furloughs, but nothing is written in stone.”
> So DCRM Graphics, currently undergoing close reading by BSC members and
> other BSC colleagues, will join the DCRM Books and Serials manuals already
> in print. However, all future DCRMs--Cartographics, Music, and
> Manuscripts-- will be available only online through Catalogers Desktop, and,
> we hope, through the RBMS website as well.
> LC has always been an excellent partner with RBMS/BSC in publishing these
> important cataloging tools, and I don’t see that changing in the future.
> As always, comments and discussion are welcome,
> Thanks,
> Jane
> Jane Carpenter, Ph.D., M.L.I.S.
> Chair, Bibliographic Standards Committee
> UCLA Library Special Collections
> jfcarpenter at library.ucla.edu
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