[DCRM-L] Provisional agenda items and schedule for DCRM2 meetings at Annual

Lapka, Francis francis.lapka at yale.edu
Mon Jun 23 12:05:05 MDT 2014

Hi, everyone.

The DCRM2 group will meet in daily sessions from Friday to Monday at Annual.  Visitors are welcome to participate!  Here are the times (in simplified form) and venues:

Friday, 12:30-4:00            Bally's, Bronze 2

Sunday, 8:30-10:00          Bally's, Bronze 1

Sunday, 10:30-11:30        Bally's, Las Vegas 4 (with Technical Services Discussion Group)

Monday, 1:00-5:30           LVCC, N216

Additionally, Groups 3 (Title, etc) and 4 (Production, etc.) meeting schedule:

Saturday, 3:00-4:00         LVCC, N221

Friday, 12:30-4:00 - Bally's Bronze 2


1.  DCRM2 implementation scenarios, in light of our survey results.  Discussion, at 1 pm, with James Hennelly, from ALA Digital Reference (publisher of the RDA Toolkit).


2.  Alan Danskin's proposal to overhaul RDA's guidelines on recording information concerning Production, Publication, Distribution, & Manufacture. We may also want to discuss whether a similar approach would be useful for other areas of transcription.

The preliminary presentation: BL_Publication_etc_presentation.pdf<http://dcrmrda.pbworks.com/w/file/82065551/BL_Publication_etc_presentation.pdf>
Discussion on DCRM-L:  https://listserver.lib.byu.edu/pipermail/dcrm-l/2014-May/thread.html

3.  The discussion paper prepared by Liz and Francis for CC:DA, concerning the practice of transcription in Production statements.


4. The issue above could lead to a related broader discussion, concerning guidelines for transcription for *unpublished* resources in DCRM2, in general. The Steering Group has discussed this topic a bit, primarily in the context of DCRM(Mss). But I think it would be useful to discuss transcription with unpublished resources for all format types, taking in to consideration how the exception at 2.2.4 would apply to all unpublished material within the scope of DCRM2.

See DCRM Steering Group wiki, for related discussion:http://dcrmsteeringgroup.pbworks.com/w/page/68229123/Discussion%20topic%3A%20Manuscript%20Bracketing

5.  Time permitting, we should return to some of the more contentious issues of transcription in general (esp. concerning punctuation). Morag, Deborah, and Francis will refer to discussions we've had this spring.

Saturday, 3:00-4:00         LVCC, N221

Many of us could not meet during our Saturday afternoon session, so subgroups 3 and 4 (led by Catherine and Morag) will make partial use of our allotted blocks (3-4 pm only).

Sunday, 8:30-10:00          Bally's, Bronze 1

Eric Miller has tentatively agreed to join us for a discussion on BIBFRAME (thank you Aislinn!). This would be a good time to engage Eric with questions about how the development of BIBFRAME might accommodate the special needs of rare materials cataloging. This meeting could also be a good forum to follow up with questions that may have emerged from Eric's presentation at the Preconference.

Sunday, 10:30-11:30        Bally's, Las Vegas 4 (with Technical Services Discussion Group)

TSDG has invited us to join their group for a discussion on the progress of DCRM2 and related issues. Here's how it is noted on the TSDG agenda:
"Members of the DCRM editorial and implementation group will be on hand to discuss the use of RDA with the DCRM standards. How are people faring, jumping back and forth between RDA and AACRII? Are there areas where we need more interim guidance in this transition, beyond instructions in the BSR? What is good about the DCRM standards and what is troublesome?"

Monday, 1:00-5:30           LVCC, N216

On Monday, we will resume discussion on unfinished business-especially the topics included (above) in our Friday session.

Most of the above information is also recorded on our wiki (for those who'd prefer to bookmark it):


I'm happy to field any questions. Hope to see many of you there!


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