[DCRM-L] Friday afternoon question

Schneider, Nina nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu
Fri Aug 14 17:00:41 MDT 2015

I've been noticing that the ESTC references in OCLC are using a leading 0 between the letter and the first digit in the ESTC number. Instead of ESTC $c N26206, I see ESTC $c N026206. 

Someone unfamiliar with ESTC might search the database with the leading zero, resulting in no hits, but if you take out that zero, then the record is easy enough to find.

The Friday afternoon question: Is there a problem in taking out that leading zero when working on a record in OCLC?



Nina M. Schneider
Rare Books Librarian
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
2520 Cimarron Street
Los Angeles, CA  90018
(323) 731-8529

nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu

** Please note that the Clark Library will be CLOSED for our seismic retrofit beginning in April 2015 **

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