[DCRM-L] 6JSC/LC/32: Revision to instructions for devised titles in RDA

Christine DeZelar-Tiedman dezel002 at umn.edu
Wed Aug 19 07:19:01 MDT 2015

I agree with Liz's response to your first point. Still trying to wrap my
head around the second issue.

On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 11:02 AM, Mascaro,Michelle J <mjm125 at uakron.edu>

> Francis brings up an interesting point about redundancy between devised
> title proper and devised title of work.
> I do not think that option B is completely crazy.  There is merit to
> keeping title proper strictly as a transcription field for identification
> of manifestations.  (As a case in point…at my institution, we have had
> several discussions about devising titles for digital images that lack
> formal titles; with some arguing we are misrepresenting the object by
> supplying a title.  In the end, the uselessness of having thousands of
> images titled “untitled” swayed everyone to the necessity of devising
> titles.)
> The difficulty lies in that we have a  tradition of treating the title
> proper as the title.  A lot of our current systems do not properly handle
> situations where the title proper and  preferred title differ. (We
> periodically get requests from Reference to turn off 130s and 240s because
> they confuse patrons.)   For that reason, I am not quite ready to support
> making the tittle proper a field that could potentially be empty and am
> leaning slightly towards option A.
> Michelle Mascaro
> Associate Professor of Bibliography
> Special Collections Cataloger and Coordinator, Cataloging Services
> University Libraries
> The University of Akron
> Akron, OH 44325-1712
> Bierce Library Office: 330-972-2446
> Archival Services Office: 330-972-6830
> http://www.uakron.edu/libraries/
> [image: UAOPU_Horiz]

Christine DeZelar-Tiedman
Manager, Archives and Special Collections Metadata Unit
University of Minnesota Libraries
160 Wilson Library                      (612) 625-0381 PH
309 19th Ave. S.                        (612) 625-3428 FAX
Minneapolis, MN 55455               dezel002 at umn.edu
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