[DCRM-L] Maps in "Révolution de l'Amérique. Par M. l'abbé Raynal ..."

Noble, Richard richard_noble at brown.edu
Tue Jun 2 14:32:47 MDT 2015

No map is indicated in ESTC records for the many 1781 editions, including
the one you have in hand. It seems likely that your copy is thus

Have you searched for the maps themselves? Have they got imprints of their
own, or any indication of date? Are they possibly the two Bellin maps with
these titles, for which there are a number of OCLC records?

BROWN UNIVERSITY  ::  PROVIDENCE, R.I. 02912  ::  401-863-1187
<Richard_Noble at Br <RICHARD_NOBLE at BROWN.EDU>own.edu>

On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 3:43 PM, Oksana Linda <olinda at umich.edu> wrote:

> Hello:
> I'm cataloging a newly acquired 1781 edition of *Révolution de
> l'Amérique.* Par M. l'abbé Raynal...
> Imprint: A Londres, Chez Lockyer Davis, Holbourn, & se vend a la Haye,
> chez P.F. Gosse, Libraire de la Cour., MDCCLXXXI.
> xvi, 171, [1] pages : 2 maps ; 19 cm
> The two maps are "Plan de la Ville de Boston" (at page 20) and
> hand-colored "Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre" at end. Our other copy with
> this imprint has no maps and measures 22 cm. Other then that our two copies
> are identical. I sifted through numerous records for this edition in OCLC
> Connexion (unpleasant, cumbersome task), but discovered no mentioning of
> the maps.
> Is anyone aware of the two folded maps being present in this edition?
> Thank you very much,
> Oksana.
> --------------------
> Oksana K. Linda
> William L. Clements Library
> University of Michigan
> 909 South University
> Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190
> www.clements.umich.edu
> Temporary address:
> 1580 E. Ellsworth Road
> Ann Arbor, MI  48108-2417
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